Wednesday, December 06, 2006

argh.. cld haf done this quiz earlier.. was supposed to do ytd night.. too tired.. i shall think its ytd nite den... rewind<<<<<

1) How old do you wish you were? 17
2) Where were you when 911 happened? at home playing gameboi
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money? make sure it returns me
4) Do you count yourself kind? eh, a lil?
5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? e baq of my neck
6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? eh chinese? n english?
7) Do you know your neighbours? sure~
8) What do you consider a vacation? spending e whole day out with my friends
9) Do you follow your horoscope? sometimes..
10) Would you move for the person you loved? if i cld i wld.
11) Are you touchy feeling? eh? qn marks.....
12) Dream job? hmm.. actually being an SM or a PM
13) Favorite channel(s)? oh. alot. chnnl U, AXN,CartoonNetwrk,ZhongTian,TVBS,ESPN so on
14) Favorite place to go on weekends? TOA PAYOH!!!!(including hui guan)
15) Showers or Baths? showers
16) Do you paint your nails? NO!!!!!!!!
17) Do you trust people easily? hmm. yeah.
18) What are your phobias? eh. afraid of being alone? is tt counted?
19) Do you want kids? yes n no
20) Do you keep a handwritten journal? nah..
21) Where would you rather be right now? rather be in camp
22) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy? hmm.. good qn.. nvr thout abt tt.
23) Heavy or light sleeper? definitely HEAVY
24) Are you paranoid? hmm... a lil? or isst alot?
25) Are you impatient? yes.. but im learning how to
26) Who can you relate to? basically anione close to me
27) What's your favorite pick-up line? walao/wad the hell
28) What's your main ringtone on your mobile? eh.. FF winning theme
29) What were you doing at midnight last night? blogging
30) What did the last text on your cellphone say? "wad time you all start tml :)" frm sizhao
31) Whose bed did you sleep in last night? my own
32) What color shirt are you wearing?
33) Name three things you have on you at all times? phone, wallet and clothes
34) What color are your bed sheets? blue
35) How much cash do you have on you right now? ZERO!!!
36) What is your favorite part of the chicken? feet!!
37) What's your favorite town/city? can i count hui guan as a small city??
38) I can't wait till..? friday when i can see every1 again!!
39) What did you have for dinner last night? oh. alot of food!!! and rose syrup n root beer
40) Do you own a gun? yes!! a 39cm-$4.9-waterGun
41) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? tea
42) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs? at hui guan thinking abt wad im doing now
43) Last thing you ate? eh.. a pear?
44) What songs do you sing in the shower? mostly chinese n eng, jap n korean, sometimes indian
45) Last thing that made you laugh? hui guan peeps
46) Worst injury you've ever had? hmm. cant think of ani
47) What's your favorite candy? eh... tic-tac?
48) What song do you want played at your funeral? eh.. cant decide
49) Ten random people to do this? eh. dey can all do randomly
50) Say 'Goodbye' to yourself? NO~~ it sounds stupid to say this in e sch lib!!


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