Saturday, July 21, 2007

ok people. it has ended. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, has completed his mission. I'm quite happy to say i've made a few right predictions. [warning: spoilers ahead]

well. dumbledore IS dead. and he does appear in the portrait. but most of the time Harry was away from hogwarts. and RAB is sirius's brother, and yes, kreacher helped him get the horcrux. and yes!! snape's not evil!. he planned it with dumbledore. YES!. i love it when im right. haha. bt ginny didn't die, (phew) but moody and dobby died. lupin too. bt urgh. harry potter is a horcrux!!! gawd. i feared tt answer. deathly hallows. now i noe y JKR said that explaining 'hallows' wld give away the story. and yes harry potter died. and meet dumbledore!! (????? wth>???) bt dumbledore explained that harry isnt really dead!(?????? WTH??????) yes. and then Harry returns and finished off voldemort. dis is of cux a v v v v summarized ver. as i onli read a few chaps. haha. and the ending.


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