Sometimes, what people say can make a positive or negative impact on you. Be it an advice from a friend, an opinion from someone you knew for awhile, a suggestion from a close friend, or even a critisim from someone you barely know. Sometimes, the advice, opinion, suggestion or critisim may knock you to your senses, other times, it may knock you into this dark street, where you can only rely on your basic instincts to get you through, to find the light on this dark street that leads you on. Friends who stick around, even when you are in this dark street, will be considered your true friends. But they can only help you so much, the rest is up to you. Words of encouragement, advice, suggestions, these are things that will help you only if you help yourself. By helping yourself, you are being accountable to yourself, not others, yourself. As long as you feel you have done what's right, you'll be accountable to yourself..
Ok it may seem a load of crap to you.. but for me.. its hell of a meaningful load of crap.